Speakers of IGC Symposium 2019
Dr. Matthias Kellermeier, Ludwigshafen, Germany
Matthias Kellermeier studied chemistry at the University of Regensburg and received his Ph.D. in the group of Prof. Dr. W. Kunz with a thesis on biomimetic crystallization, for which he was awarded the Starck Prize for Solid State Chemistry and Materials Research. From 2011 to 2013, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Konstanz with Prof. Dr. H. Cölfen, studying principles of self-organization and basic mechanisms of mineral nucleation and growth. In 2013, he joined BASF SE as a Research Scientist in the Department of Material Physics, where he took over responsibility for the Specialist Area “Surface Characterization” in 2017.
Currently, Matthias Kellermeier coordinates research projects on topics ranging from the design of functional surfaces over polymer-surfactant systems to crystallization control for inorganic materials, all including collaborations with academic partners. Very recently, he edited a book entitled “New Perspectives on Mineral Nucleation and Growth” with colleagues from different universities.
Beata Strzemiecka, Chemical Technology and Engineering at Poznan University of Technology

Beata Strzemiecka studied Chemical Technology on the Faculty of Chemical Technology at Poznan University of Technology, Poland in 1997-2002. After obtaining M. Sc. she pursued her education on Ph. D. studies on the Faculty of Chemical Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology and Engineering, Poznan University of Technology. The supervisor of her Ph. D. thesis was prof. Adam Voelkel.
Her Ph.D. thesis was entitled „Physicochemical characteristic of raw materials and semi-products and the properties of the abrasive tools” and concerned the physicochemical characterization of the standard raw materials and partially semi-products mainly by Inverse Gas Chromatography.
She obtained Ph.D. in 2006. From 2006 till now she works in the Institute of Chemical Technology and Engineering at Poznan University of Technology in the research group of prof. Adam Voelkel. In 2015 she obtained the scientific degree of habilitated doctor.
She is the author of over 40 publications, several chapters in the books, several presentation on national and international conferences in which she presented studies of polymer composites, solids surface, polymers mainly by IGC technique. In her papers she stresses practical applications of the different instrumental techniques for studying polymer composites. With prof. Adam Voelkel she is the author of some new procedures using IGC for studying abrasive articles, such as degree of hardening of resins, the coverage degree of the abrasive by resole, assessment of ageing of phenolic resins as well as estimation of adhesion in the abrasive-resin, filler-resin systems. The most recent studies of dr. Strzemiecka concerns synthesis of hybrids materials as well as new binders for polymer composites.
Dr. Eric Brendle, Adscientis, Wittelsheim, France

Dr Eric Brendlé was born in 1967 in Mulhouse (France). He is graduated in Physical Chemistry from chemistry high school of Mulhouse France (Laboratoire de Chimie et Energie de Surface, led by Dr E.PAPIRER).
In 1997 he obtained a Ph.D entitled “Surface properties study of iron oxide (goethite, hematite) influence of the heat treatment”.
He created his own company in 2000: Adscientis provides Inverse Gas Chromatography analysis. The offered services bring customer’s elements to understand and master the phenomenon occurring at the molecular level on surfaces and interfaces of the materials.
The company has gained valuable experiences in the field of Inverse Chromatography, and Eric Brendlé is acknowledged as an expert.
Michael Rückriem, Porotec, Hofheim, Germany
Michael Rückriem studied Technical Chemistry at Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. He is still working on his Ph.D. thesis entitled “Inverse Gas Chromatography as a Tool for the Characterization of Porous Materials” under the supervision of Prof. Dirk Enke in Leipzig. He is now working for the company Porotec GmbH which offers a broad range of innovative scientific instruments for the characterization of particles and porous materials.
He is an author and co-author of 5 articles in peer reviewed journals as well as author and co-author of more than 20 oral and poster presentations at international and national conferences and seminars.
Prof. Tayssir Hamieh, Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon

Prof. Tayssir HAMIEH (born 1955, Lebanon), Dean and Director of MCEMA Research Laboratory, full Professor at the Lebanese University since 1996, He was Professor at the UHA (France) until 2000, Visiting professor (1998) in University of Alberta, Canada. He obtained his first PhD in Physical Chemistry (1985), his HDR (1996) and obtained in 2001 his second Ph.D. in
Mathematics from UHA. He published more than 350 Papers on material sciences, nanomaterials,surfaces and interfaces in Specialized Journals and international conferences. Prof. Hamieh also served on many academic and administrative responsibilities and as Chairman and Editor of many conferences on Materials Sciences; Project Officer of about 20 National or International Research Project. Editor of Volume 124 in Journal of Physique IV, EDP Sciences, France, 2005; and Editor of two Volumes Physics Procedia (2011 and 2015).
Johanna Sygusch, Helmholtz Institute, Freiberg, Germany

Johanna Sygusch studied chemistry at the Technische Universität Braunschweig and received her Master degree in 2016 in the field of technical chemistry. Since November 2017, she is part of the processing department of the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology of the Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf and works within the DFG (German Research Foundation) priority programme SPP2045 “MehrDimPart”. Her project focuses on the surface modification of ultrafine particles and their multidimensional separation by flotation.
Ralf Meyer, Institute of Chemical Technology, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
Ralf Meyer studied chemistry at the University of Leipzig and received his Master of Science in 2015 in the group of Prof. Dr. D. Enke with the main emphasis in structured porous materials, their application and characterization methods. Since 2015 he is part of the Enke Group as Ph.D. student within the Institute of Chemical Technology (ITC) department for Chemical Reaction Engineering in Leipzig. His research interests are high temperature stable catalyst supports with highly ordered pore structure based on anodized alumina membranes, synthesis of catalytic active alumina based spinel systems, and determination of physico-chemical properties of modified porous support materials such as alumina and silica by inverse gas chromatography.